Smart Enforcement of Transport Operations

DIC presented SETO project at EUROSTRUCT2023 Conference


DigInnoCent (DIC) proudly participated in EUROSTRUCT2023, the 2nd Conference of the European Association on Quality Control of Bridges and Structures, held at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) in Wien from September 25 to 29, 2023. The conference focused on the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions, emphasizing a commitment to nurturing the next generation of problem solvers. With objectives centered around quality control for bridge and tunnel safety, EUROSTRUCT2023 provided a crucial platform for fostering collaboration among academics, practitioners, bridge owners, and operators, with more than 270 papers presented. DIC seized the opportunity to showcase SETO project, inviting attendees to explore its exhibited poster and to engage in discussions about SETO. DIC looks forward to contribute to the ongoing dialogue about the future of transport operations and their impact on infrastructure quality control.

See the original news on DIC website.

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